Simplify your infrastructure and boost productivity with event-driven architectures and Momento

Build high-scale, flexible, and secure systems faster than ever—while lowering total cost of ownership.

Why Momento?

Skip the infrastructure and stick with simple API calls to build powerful, managed systems that let you focus on what really matters.
illustration of an acorn with sparkles
Reduce Complexity
No APIs to build. No connections to manage. Just make simple API calls and go.
icon of a side cache diagram
Connect Everywhere
Trigger any endpoint with access to the internet in response to a message. Or connect your systems together directly with a persistent connection to our event bus.
icon representing reduced costs
Scale Effortlessly
Develop software that adapts fanout or serial connections, smoothly scaling from single modules to large-scale systems, ensuring reliable and flexible communication flow.
icon representing reduced costs
Archive and Replay Events
Add your events to a Momento Cache list as they are published to build an archive. Automatically expire the events after a set time or replay them from a certain point in time.

Event-driven architectures and Momento

Work seamlessly with AWS Lambda & Step Functions

Momento Topics with webhooks trigger any HTTP endpoint, meaning you can invoke complex workflows via Step Functions or Lamba with a single message.

Integrate directly with EventBridge

With our one-click integration with EventBridge, all messages published to a topic are dropped onto an event bus of your choosing.

Persist & archive messages

With Topics triggering your Lambda functions, you can save messages directly to DynamoDB to preserve event order and enable CQRS workflows or save the conversation history from your chats long term.

Cache large event payloads

Instead of using slow storage, cache your large event payloads in Momento Cache.

Frequently asked questions

How do you know when to use event-driven architectures?
What are the benefits of event-driven architectures?